Thursday, 21 July 2011

Happy Birthday Benjamin, 2 Today

I can't believe it's 2 years since my little boy arrived into the world.  Sometimes it seems like an eternity ago but mostly, it feels like it was just yesterday.  I can still visualize holding him in my arms and feeling his soft chubby cheek against mine.  In fact, I remember every detail.

I didn't feel the same amount of anticipation for this birthday as I did on his first birthday but I thought about it all the time as the day got nearer & how we were going to celebrate it.  This year, I asked Phoebe what she'd like to do for Benjamin.  She said she'd like to make a cake, make a card & send some balloons up to heaven for him.

Phoebe lovingly made Benjamin's card with a glittery number 2 (pink of course!), feathers, sparkles pompoms & googly eyes (yes, googly eyes!) and she wrote Benjamin's name on the front all by herself.  We wrote some nice words & put it up this morning.  We let 2 balloons go, one for each year & then we set out for the Zoo.  We'd thought about what Benjamin might like to do if he was here with us, so the zoo it was.  We had a really lovely day & when we came home, we sang Happy Birthday while Phoebe blew out the number 2 candle on the cake we'd made for him. After the cake, we went into the garden & sent a sky lantern up to Benjamin.  As I stepped into the garden, the first thing I saw on the grass was a little white feather.  I like to believe it's a feather from my little Angel.  Phoebe shouted "bye bye Benjamin" as we watched the lantern disappear out of sight.

Of course, the day didn't pass without tears but it was slightly easier than last year.  I feel Benjamin around me a lot, so that brings me a great deal of comfort.

Tomorrow is another day but I won't be dwelling on that one.........

Happy Birthday my beautiful little boy.

Love forever
Mummy, Daddy, Phoebe & Matthew