The Ray of Hope

The Ray of Hope has become very close to my heart after being on the receiving end of some of the amazing things they do for the Labour Ward and the Neonatal Unit at Leighton Hospital (and other hospitals).

Many people have heard of the Ray of Hope but associate them just with knitting clothes for premature babies.  This is very much a part of what they do, but also just a very small part, so I would like to help raise awareness of some of the other wonderful things that they provide.

On the Labour Ward at Leighton Hospital, there is a room called the Lady Cholmondeley Room.  It's a room that I hope you never have to visit because it's for people who find themselves in the position that I was in whilst on the Labour Ward.  One of my biggest fears when having Benjamin was that I was going to put on a ward with new Mums all with healthy babies.  I would like to think that this would never happen to anyone, regardless of the hopsital, but at Leighton, this special room is for people like us who need some private time and need to be away from other new Mums and Dads.  It is a self contained room with a double bed, a shower, a kitchen area and a sofa.  It means parents can be with their baby without the comings and goings of a normal ward environment.  It is very private.  Just outside the room is an enclosed garden of rememberance, remembering all the babies who have sadly lost their lives.  The room and the garden have both been largely funded and maintained by the Ray of Hope.

They also provide memory boxes for parents so that they have somewhere to put special keepsakes.

The Ray of Hope recently purchased a saddle seat for spine examination in pregnant women and a cold cot, which allows parents who have suffered the sad loss of a baby to have a little more time with them.  Both of these purchases are quite high value items.

At these sad times, it is important that parents have some memories of their baby, if they wish.  In association with the Ray of Hope, a wonderful lady called Nicola Cooper takes sensitive photographs for the family to have to remember their baby.  I'm sure this must be a difficult job but Nicola is on call and goes in voluntarily to provide this truly wonderful gift for parents.  For more details on Nicola, visit

These are just a few of the things that I personally am aware of that the Ray of Hope have provided but I know that the list goes on.

I'm sure that you will agree that this charity is so very deserving of our support.

For more information about the Ray of Hope, please go to